Friday, September 19, 2008

Ben Caldwell Speed Character Study

With Tim Bruckners awesome character study work for inspiration(seen here) I have set out to do some studies of my own to further my technique and speed up my sculpting. With that in my mind I set some ground rules for myself.......1.One a week 2.Four hour time limit 3.Work from a drawing or picture.

Here is the first example........

As I limited my time to four hours, there are some differences between the drawing and the sculpt that I would go back and fix. Eye shape, jowls and head shape etc.... but my rule is four hours and so I stopped. Love to know what you guys(and gals) think. Thanks

If you havent seen Ben Caldwells work check it out in this book, it is great drawing and cartooning reference that works great for sculptors.


Stovohobo said...

Amazing sculpts; love the angular, sharp edges you make. And I love the idea of taking the art and making it 3D, especially Ben Caldwell's.

xenos said...

love that book man. nice sculpt too. think you can tackle the mousey guy?